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Water Damage Services in Pittsburgh

Water Damage ServicesWhen water makes its way into your Pittsburg home it has the potential to cause a ton of damage to your home and personal possessions. Whether it’s a flooded basement, a leaky roof, an overflowing dishwasher or something else, acting fast is essential. Not only will this increase the likelihood that your personal belongings can be saved, including your furniture and flooring, it will also decrease the chance of a mold invasion. GS Jones offers the perfect water damage services in Pittsburgh to help get your home and life back on track.

Drying out the areas in your home that have been affected by<a href="http://en.wikipedia maca ou”> water damage quickly and efficiently requires specialized methods and equipment by certified and trained professionals. Using the proper extraction and drying techniques will help minimize the possibility of additional damage and potential mold and mildew growth. It will also help minimize costs. If you experience water damage in Pittsburgh there is a danger of hazardous contamination taking place. The cleanup needs to be handled by a trained water damage cleanup professional.

First Call the Professionals at GS Jones

Then consider taking these cleanup steps:

Minimize Damage

•Try to stop the water at its source.

•Open doors and windows if possible.

•Avoid walking on wet surfaces.

•If safe, small electrical devices from areas with excess water.

•Remove items that may stain floor coverings.


For Safety

•Turn off the electricity.

•Do NOT use dry or wet vacuums to remove water, to avoid the risk of electric shock.

•Do NOT turn on heating or air conditioning units if the situation is sewage-related. This may spread contamination.