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Disinfectant and Deodorization Services

professional disinfectant services

The Steramist™ Disinfection System

The Steramist™ Disinfection System uses a powerful technology that eliminates bacteria. TOMI’s SteraMist™ BIT™ is a professional grade disinfectant that can be used both a complete room fogging system or a handheld point and spray unit. This system uses patented Activated Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide (AIHP) technology that can kill 99.99% of bacteria in any facilities including but not limited to:

  • Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
  • Emergency Medical Transport
  • Laboratories
  • Dental Facilities
  • Bio-safey & Bio-medical Facilities
  • Pharmaceutical Facilities
  • Blood & Tissues Banks
  • Schools & other Educational Facilities
  • Senior Living Facilities
  • Animal Care Facilities
  • Public Transportation
  • Gyms & Other Athletic Facilities
  • Multi-Unit Buildings
  • Fire & Police Stations

TOMI’s SteraMist™ BIT™ leaves no residue behind and requires no wiping or rinsing. The Steramist™ Disinfection System’s AIHP technology disinfects surfaces that regular disinfectants can’t even reach killing harmful pathogens before converting to water and oxygen molecules. The The Steramist™ Disinfection System is fast acting at only requires seven minutes of contact time to work and deodorizes facilities giving it that “clean smell.”

Disinfectant Services PittsburghInfection Control System

The Steramist™ Professional Disinfectant Services is effective at treats and removing:

  • Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Pseudomonas Aeruginosa,
  • MRSA
  • Influenza
  • Mold & Mildew Control & Removal
  • And more!


steramist deodorization steramist disinfectant

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